Page 10 - Evelyn, House of Hair and Beauty - Brochure
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Surely your face deserves the regular We can also help with clinical 

attention you already give your hair exfoliations (‘chemical peels’) to 

and nails?
remove dead skin cells, speed 

up your natural cell turnover and 

A regime of expert facials can stimulate collagen.

prevent problems and breakouts, and 

promote facial health and hydration All facials begin with an expert skin 

that leads to  rmer, glowing skin.
analysis, followed by a customised 

plan. We offer targeted treatment 

At EVELYN, House of Hair & Beauty we using the acclaimed brands Decleor, 

couple carefully selected technologies Carita (CINETICfacials), AlumierMD 

with the latest generation of anti- (specialising in peels) and Kerstin 

ageing treatments.
Florain (specialising in Corrective 

Skincare treatments and Luxury Caviar 

Anti-Ageing treatments).

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